Thursday, November 9, 2023

Time Ranges

Sometimes you can predict the future accurately. For instance, you know that a train will leave the station tomorrow at 3 pm destined for somewhere you want to go.

But the train may not leave on time. There are a very large number of ‘unexpected’ things that could derail that plan, however, there is only a tiny probability that any of them will actually happen tomorrow. You can live with that small uncertainty, ignore it.

Sometimes you can only loosely predict the future. It will take me somewhere between 10 minutes to 1.5 hours to make dinner tonight. It’s a curve and the probability is most likely that the time it takes to make dinner lands somewhere in the middle; so not 10 mins and not 1.5 hours. It may only take half an hour, but I will only be certain about that after I finish.

If you have something big to accomplish and it is made up of a huge number of little things, and you need to understand how long it will take, you pretty much should only work with time ranges. Some things may be certain like train schedules, but more often the effort is like making dinner. This is particularly true if it is software development.

So, you have 10 new features that result in 30 functional changes to different parts of the code. You associate a time range for each functional change. Then you have to add in the time for various configurations and lots of testing.

Worth noting that the time to configure something is not the actual time to add or modify the parameters, that is trivial. It is the time required to both find and ensure that the chosen configuration values are correct. So, lots of thinking and some testing. Might take 1 minute to update a file, but up to 3 days to work through every possible permutation until you find one that works as expected. Then the range is 5 mins if you get lucky, and 3 days if the universe is against you, which it seems to be sometimes.

For most things, most of the time, you’ll get a bit of luck. The work falls on the lower side of the range. But sometimes life, politics, or unexpected problems cause delays. With time ranges, you can usually absorb a few unexpected delays and keep going.

As the work progresses the two big levers of control are a) the completion date and b) the number of features. If luck is really not on your side, you either move the date farther out or drop a few features. You often need to move one or the other lever, which is why if they are both taken away it becomes more likely the release will explode.

Some things are inherently unestimatable. You can’t know what the work is until someone has managed to get to the other side and there is no way to know if anyone will ever get to the other side.

These types of occurrences are a small part of development work, but lots of other stuff is built on top of them. If you have something like that, you do that exploration first, then re-estimate when you are done.

For example, half the features depend on you making an unguessable performance improvement. If you fail to guess how to fix that lower issue in a reasonable time frame, then those features get cut. You can still proceed with the other features. The trick is to know that as early as possible, thus don’t leave inestimable work until the end. Do it right away.

It’s worth noting too that coding is often only one-third of the time. The analysis and design should be equal to the coding time, as should the testing time. That is, it can take 3 times longer to get done than most programmers expect, but they start 2/3rds of the way through.

This is often a shortcut by doing almost no analysis or design, but that tends to bog things down in scope creep and endless changes. Skimping on testing lets more bugs escape into production which makes any operation drama far more expensive. So, in both cases attempting to save time by not doing necessary work comes back to haunt the project later and always ends up wasting more time than what was saved. Shortcuts are always nasty time trade-offs. Save a bit of time today, only to pay more for it later.

If you have all of the work items as time ranges, then you can pick an expected luck percentage and convert the schedule into an actual date. Most times, it’s around the 66% mark. You can tell if you are ahead or behind, and you can lock in some of the harder and easier work early, so there is at least something at the end. If you end up being late, at least you know why you are late. For example, most of the tasks ended up near their maximum times.

Time ranges also help with individual estimates. For example, you can ask a young programmer for an estimate and also a senior one. The difference will give you a range. In fact, everyone could chime in with dates, accurate or crazy, and you’d have a much better idea of how things may or may not progress. You don’t have to add in random slack time, as it isn’t ever anchored in reality. It is built in with ranges.

Time ranges are great. You keep them as is when you are working, but can convert them to fixed dates when dealing with external people. If you blow the initial ranges, you’ll know fairly early that you are unlucky or stuck in some form of dysfunction. That would let you send out an early ‘heads up’ that will mitigate some of the anger from being late.

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