Thursday, November 23, 2023

Bottom Up

The way most people view software is from the top down. They see the GUI and other interfaces, but they don’t have any real sense of what lies behind it.

The way that bugs are reported is from the top down. Usually, there is an interface problem somewhere the underlying cause may be deep in the mechanics.

The foundation of every system is the data it persists. If there isn’t a way to reliably keep the data around for a long time, it might be cute, but it certainly isn’t practical.

The best way to build software is from the bottom up. You lay down a consistent set of behaviors and then you build up more complicated behaviors on top of those. This leverages the common lower stuff, you don’t have to reduplicate the work again for everything on top.

The best way to extend a system is bottom-up, You start with getting the data into persistence, then into the core of the system, and then you work your way upwards until all of the interfaces reflect the changes.

The way to deal with bugs is top-down. But the trick is to keep going as low as you can. Make the lowest fixed as time will allow. Sometimes it is rushed, so you might fix a bunch of higher-level symptoms, but even if you do that you still have to schedule the proper lower-level ones soon.

The best way you screw up a large system is to let it get disorganized. The way you organize a system is from the bottom up, Looking at it top down will only confuse you.

Some people only want to see it one way or the other, as top-down or bottom-up, but clearly, that isn’t possible. When a system becomes large, the clash in perspectives becomes the root of a lot of the problems. Going in the wrong direction, against the grain, will result in hardship.

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