Thursday, May 2, 2024


“One of these things is not like the others” -- Sesame Street

Symmetry is an often ignored property of code that is incredibly helpful when editing or debugging. It is part of readability, along with naming and structuring.

If you do a quick visual scan of some suspect code and you see asymmetric parts, it quickly tells you that you should spend a little more time there.

Symmetry issues can be simple, for instance:

    if condition {
        // do thing one

    } else {
        if sub-condition {
            // do thing two

        } else {
            // do thing three


Doesn’t seem to be a problem, but that second conditional block is broken into two sub-blocks, while the first one is not. It is unbalanced. There are 3 different things that can be triggered from this code. That is a little odd, given that most permutations are independent and applied consistently, so it could really be 4 things. We may be missing one. Depending on what behavior you are investigating, this would deserve closer inspection.

That makes symmetry an indirect property of readability. For example, you quickly scan large amounts of code to see that every function definition has exactly 3 arguments, and then you come across one with 7. Hmmmm. It stands out, maybe it is wrong.

With good code, given most bugs, you will have a strong idea about where the problem is located. Then a quick scan for asymmetry will highlight some parts around there that are off. You double-check those, and maybe find one that is wonky. That can get you from the report of the bug to the actual flaw in the code in a few minutes, with a fairly low cognitive effort. All you need to do is correct it and test that it is now behaving as expected. Symmetry problems are often second in frequency to typos. 

Symmetry is entirely missing in spaghetti code. The logic wobbles all over the place doing unexpected work. Jumping around. If you are not the author, the flow makes no sense. It takes a lot of cognitive effort to hypothesize about any sort of behavior, and then you have to focus in on as little as possible, just to figure out how to alter it in a way that hopefully is better.

It’s why debugging someone else’s mess is so painful.

Symmetry is not an accidental property. It is there only because someone had the discipline to make sure it is there. They pounded out some code but went back to it later and cleaned it up. Fixed the names, made sure it only does one thing, and put in as much symmetry as they can. That took them longer initially, but it will pay off later. The worse the code, the more you will need to revisit it.

Symmetry can occur at the syntax level, the semantic level, the data level, the function level, and the structural level. Everywhere. It is a sign of organization. Where and when it could have been there, but is missing, it is always suspect. 

The most obvious example is indenting lines of code. Most languages allow you to do whatever you want, but if you do it properly that will be a form of line-by-line symmetry which helps make the flow more understandable.

Spending the time to find and enhance symmetry saves a huge amount of grief later with quality issues. The code is way easier to refactor, debug, and extend. It is worth the time.

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