Thursday, November 16, 2023

The Power of Abstractions

Programmers often complain about abstractions, which is unfortunate.

Abstractions are one of the strongest ‘power tools’ for programming. Along with encapsulation and data structures, they give you the ability to recreate any existing piece of modern software, yourself, so long as you have lots and lots of time.

There is always a lot of confusion about them. On their own, they are nothing more than a generalization. So, instead of working through a whole bunch of separate individual special cases for the instructions that the computer needs to execute, you step back a little and figure out what all of those different cases have in common. Later, you bind those common steps back to the specifics. When you do that, you’ve not only encoded the special cases, you’ve also encoded all of the permutations.

Put another way, if you have a huge amount of code to write and you can find a small tight abstraction that covers it completely, you write the abstraction instead, saving yourself massive amounts of time. If there were 20 variations that you needed to cover but you spent a little extra time to just create one generalized version, it’s a huge win.

Coding always takes a long time, so the strongest thing we can do is get as much leverage from every line as possible. If some small sequence of instructions appears in your code dozens of times, it indicates that you wasted a lot of time typing and testing it over and over again. Type it once, name it, make sure it works, and then reuse it. Way faster.

A while back there were discussions that abstractions always leak. The example given was for third-generation programming languages. With those, you still sometimes need to go outside of the language to get some things done on the hardware, like talking directly with the video card. Unfortunately, it was an apples-to-oranges comparison. The abstractions in question generalized the notion of a ‘computer’. But just one instance of it. Modern machine architecture however is actually a bunch of separate such computing devices all talking to each other through mediums like the bus or direct memory access. So, it’s really a ‘collection’ of computers. Quite obviously if you put an abstraction over the one thing, it does not cover a collection of them. Collections are things themselves (which part of what data structures is trying to teach).

A misfitting abstraction would not cover everything, and an abstraction for one thing would obviously not apply to a set of them. The abstraction of third-generation programming languages fit tightly over only the assembler instructions that manipulated the computer but obviously didn’t cover the ones that were used to communicate with peripherals. That is not leaking, really it is just scope and coverage.

To be more specific, an abstract is just an abstraction. If it misfits and part of the underlying mechanics is sticking out, exposed for the whole world to see, the problem is encapsulation. The abstract does not fully encapsulate the stuff below it. Partial encapsulation is leaking encapsulation. There are ugly bits sticking out of the box.

In most cases, you can actually find a tight-fitting abstraction. Some generalization with full coverage. You just need to understand what you are abstracting. An abstraction is a step up, but you can also see it as binding together a whole bunch of special cases like twigs. If you can visualize it as the overlaid execution paths of all of the possible permutations forming each special case, then you can see why there would always be something that fits tightly. The broader you make it the more situations it will cover.

The real power of an abstraction comes from a hugely decreased cognitive load. Instead of having to understand all of the intricacies of each of the special cases, you just have to understand the primitives of the abstraction itself. It’s just that it is one level of indirection. But still way less complexity.

The other side of that coin is that you can validate the code visually, by reading it. If it holds within the abstraction and the abstraction holds to the problem, then you know it will behave as expected. It’s obviously not a proof of correctness, but being able to quickly verify that some code is exactly what you thought it was should cut down on a huge number of bugs.

People complain though, that they are forced to understand something new. Yes, absolutely. And since the newer understanding is somewhat less concrete, for some people that makes it a little more challenging. But programming is already abstract and you already have to understand modern programming language abstractions and their embedded sub-abstractions like ‘strings’.

That is, crafting your own abstraction, if it is consistent and complete, is no harder to understand than any of the other fundamental tech stack ones, and to get really good at programming, you have to know those anyway. So adding a few more for the system itself is not onerous. In some cases, your abstraction can even cover a bunch of other lower-level ones, so if it is encapsulated, you don’t need to know those anymore. A property of encapsulation itself is to partition complexity, making the sum more complex but each component a lot less complex. If you want to write something sophisticated with extreme complexity, partitioning it is the only way it will be manageable.

One big fear is that someone will pick a bad abstraction and that will get locked into the code causing a huge mess. Yes, that happens, but the problem isn’t the abstraction. The problem is that people are locking things into the codebase. Treating all of the code in the system as write-once and untouchable is a huge problem. In doing that, it does not matter if the code is abstract or not, the codebase will degenerate either way, but faster if it is brute force. Either the code on top a) propagates the bugs below, b) wraps another onion layer around the earlier mess, or c) just spins off in a new silo. All three of these are really bad. They bloat up the lines of code, enshrine the earlier flaws, increase disorganization, and waste time with redundant work. They get you out of the gate a little faster, but then you’ll be stuck in the swamp forever.

If you pick the wrong abstraction then refactoring to correct it is boring. But it is usually a constrained amount of work and you can often do it in parts. If you apply the changes non-destructively, during the cleanup phase, you can refactor away some of the issues and check their correctness, before you pile more stuff on top. If you do that a bunch of times, the codebase improves for each release. You just have to be consistent about your direction of refactoring, waffling will hurt worse.

But that is true for all coding styles. If you make a mistake, and you will, then so long as you are consistent in that mistake, fixing it is always a smaller amount of work or at the very least can be broken down into a set of small amounts. If there are a lot of them, you may have to apply the sum over a large number of different releases, but if you persist and hold your direction constant, the code will get better. A lot better. Contrast this with freezing, where the code will always get worse. The mark of a good codebase is that it improves with time.

Sometimes people are afraid of what they see as the creativity involved with finding a new abstraction. Most abstractions however are not particularly creative. Really they are often just a combination of other abstractions fitted together to apply tightly to the current problem. That is, abstractions slowly evolve, they don’t just leap into existence. That makes sense, as often you don’t fully appreciate their expressibility until you’ve applied them a few times. So, it’s not creativity, but rather a bit of research or experience.

Programming is complicated enough these days that you will not get really far with it if you just stick to rediscovering everything yourself from first principles. Often the state of the art has been built up over decades, so going all of the way back in time and trying to reinvent everything again is going to be crude in comparison.

This is why learning to research a little is a necessary skill. If you decide to write some type of specific computation, doing some reading beforehand about others' experiences will pay huge dividends. Working with experienced people will pay huge dividends. Absorbing any large amount of knowledge efficiently will allow you to start from a stronger position. Code is just a manifestation of what the programmer understands, so obviously the more they understand the better the code will be.

The other side of this is that an inexperienced programmer seeking a super-creative abstraction will often be a disaster. This happens because they don’t fully understand what properties are necessary for coverage, so instead they hyper-focus on some smaller aspect of the computation. They optimize for that, but the overall fit is poor.

The problem though is that they went looking for a big creative leap. That was the real mistake. The abstraction you need is a generalization of the problems in front of you. Nothing more. Step back once or twice, don’t try to go way, way out, until much later in your life and your experience. What you do know should anchor you, always.

Another funny issue comes from concepts like patterns. As an abstraction, data structures have nearly full coverage over most computations, so you can express most things, with a few caveats, as a collection of interacting data structures. The same isn’t true for design patterns. They are closer to idioms than they are to a full abstraction. That is why they are easier to understand and more tangible. That is also why they became super popular, but it is also their failure.

You can decompose a problem into a set of design patterns, but it is more likely that the entire set now has a lot of extra artificial complexity included. Like an idiom, a pattern was meant to deal with a specific implementation issue, it would itself just be part of some abstraction, not the actual abstraction. They are implementation patterns, not design blocks. Patterns should be combined and hold places within an abstraction, not be a full and complete means of expressing the abstraction or the solution.

Oddly programmers so often seek one-size-fits-all rules, insisting that they are the one true way to do things. They do this because of complexity, but it doesn’t help. A lot of choices in programming are trade-offs, where you have to balance your decision to fit the specifics of what you are building. You shouldn’t always go left, nor should you always go right. The moment you arrive at the fork, you have to think deeply about the context you are buried in. That thinking can be complex, and it will definitely slow you down, thus the desire to blindly always pick the same direction. The less you think about it, the faster you will code, but the more likely that code will be fragile.

You can build a lot of small and medium-sized systems with brute force. It works. You don’t need to learn or even like abstractions. But if you want to work on large systems, or you want to be able to build stuff way faster, abstractions will allow you to do this. If you want to build sophisticated things, abstractions are mandatory. Once the inherent complexity passes some threshold, even the best development teams cannot deal with it, so you need ways of managing it that will allow the codebase to keep growing. This can only be done by making sure the parts are encapsulated away from each other, and almost by definition that makes the parts themselves abstract. That is why we see so many fundamental abstractions forming the base of all of our software, we have no other way of wrangling the complexity.

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