Thursday, August 17, 2023

Development Workstations

Programmers write code.

They need complicated tools to do this properly.

They should have fast machines with lots of resources. Anyone who thinks stiffing their programmers with underpowered machines is a good idea is mistaken. You’re just wasting your own money if the coders can’t be their jobs effectively. Money spent on hardware for coders is always well spent.

Development machines have access to a lot of tools. They need these tools to be able to do their jobs efficiently. By inefficient, I don’t mean it will take 20% longer, I mean it will be a multiplier like 3x or worse. If programmers can download the tools they need, as they need them, they can flow through the work and get the job done. Delays and disruptions are crazy expensive.

There is no absolute way to predict all of the tools. The software industry is too vast and the range of issues is too volatile. You can’t just make a list of the tools. It doesn’t work that way, it has never worked that way, and anytime someone has tried to enforce such a restrictive viewpoint, it hurt development efforts, crushed morale and resulted in programmers jumping ship. When that happens, it can take a very long time for a company to recover, as their reputation amongst the programming community tends to take a rather massive hit.

There are two ways to deal with the programmers getting in outside tools. Both are probably necessary.

The first is to segregate them on their own network. In that way, if one of their tools is problematic, the scope of the damage is controlled.

The other is to set up the network so that only some of the programmers can bring in outside tools. You make it a senior responsibility, but still one that is handled by the programmers. A nonprogrammer may reject using some tools simply because they do not understand them, so it needs to be someone who has the correct experience and knowledge to be able to make an informed decision.

As the toolset increases, they should be kept internally somewhere. That is, most programmers when they need a new tool or a version of the tool, should go to the internal tool repository and get it from there. It should be easy and convenient to get tools from there, and after a while, most of the major tools will be there. There should also be some documentation to list out the ‘best’ version of any tool that the coders should use.

If you do all of those things correctly, then the developers can have minimum constraints on them as to how they use their machines. That is, they have admin rights, and any preventive software is minimized.

A clear sign that an organization does not understand “programming” is when they insist that programmers aren’t administrators of their own machines. Getting programmers mixed up with power users is a common, but really bad mistake. Programmers should program. Programming involves messing with stuff. Messing with stuff can be dangerous. If you stop them from messing with stuff, you cripple their ability to program, and their output tends to degrade to unusable quality. That is, either you empower people to do their jobs, or you accept that their jobs will not be done poorly. You can’t have it both ways.

Fully disempowered programmers are just typists. You don’t need typists, you need programmers to build you stuff that is good enough to solve your problems.

A poor worker may blame their tools, but a gifted worker without reasonable tools is a waste.

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