Sunday, September 27, 2020

Laws of Software Development

 For non-technical people, it is very easy to get confused about software development. From the outside, creating software seems simple: setup some tools, bang out some source code, and *voila* you get a product. Everybody is doing it, how hard can it be?

However, over the last five decades, we’ve found that software development can be deceptive. What seems easy, ain’t, and what seems hard probably is. Here are some nearly unbreakable “laws” for development that apply:

  1. You get what you’ve paid for.

Software development is slow and expensive. If you want it fast and cheap, the resulting software will either be bad or valueless. It may not be obviously bad, but it will quickly become a time and money sink, possibly forever. If you need the software to be around for more than a week, you’ll have to spend some serious money to make that happen and have a lot of patience. If you want your product to compete against other entries, then just a couple of month’s worth of work is not going to cut it.

  1. Software development takes a ‘huge’ amount of knowledge and experience.

If you are hoping that some kids, right out of school, will produce the same quality of workmanship that a group of seasoned professionals will, it’s not going to happen. The kids might be fast to produce code, but they are clueless when it comes to all of the other necessary aspects of stability like error handling, build environment, packaging, and operational monitoring. A basic development shop these days needs dozens of different technologies, and each one takes years to learn. If you get the code but can’t keep it running, it isn’t really that much of an achievement. 

  1. If you don’t know what to build, don’t build it.

Despite whatever is written out there, throwing together code with little idea about what it’s going to do is rarely a productive means of getting to something that works. It’s far better to work through the difficulties on paper than it is to spend 100x that energy working through them in code. On top of that, code has a tendency to freeze itself into place, making any future work on a bad foundation way more difficult. If you did throw together the code, remember to throw it away afterward. That will save a lot of pain.

  1. If it were easy, it probably already exists.

A tremendous amount of code has been written, rewritten, and deployed all over the place. Most basic ideas have been explored, and people have tried the same workarounds for decades, but still failed to get traction. So, it’s not a matter of brainstorming some clever new idea out of nowhere that is trivial to implement and will be life-changing. If you are looking to build something that isn’t a copy of something else, then the core ideas need to be predicated on very deep knowledge. If they are not, it’s probably a waste of time.

  1. If it looks ugly then people won’t ‘try’ to use it.

There are lots of ugly systems out there that work really well and are great tools. But they are already existing, so there is little friction in keeping them going. Ugly is a blocker to trying stuff, not to ongoing usage. If people aren’t forced to try something new, then if it is ugly they will put up fierce resistance. 

  1. If it is unstable then people won’t keep using it.

Modern expectations for software quality are fairly low, but even still if the software is just too flaky, most people will actively look for alternatives. Any initial patience gets eroded at an exponential rate, so they might seem to be putting up with the bugs and problems right now, but as time goes by each new issue causes larger and larger amounts of damage. At some point, if the software is ‘barely’ helpful, there will be enough incentives for them to switch over to an alternative.

  1. The pretty user interface is only a tiny part of the work that needs to be done.

Software systems are like icebergs, only a small part of them, the graphical user interface, is visible to people. GUIs do take a lot of work and design and are usually the place where most bugs are noticed, but what really holds the system together is the invisible stuff in the backend. Ignoring those foundations, just like with a house, tends to beg for a catastrophe. That backend work is generally more than 80% of the effort (it gets higher as the project grows larger).

There are, no doubt, plenty of other ‘laws’ that seem unbreakable in development. This is just the basic ones that come up in conversations frequently and are unlikely to see many -- if any -- exceptions. 

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