Friday, February 28, 2025

The Digital Realm

There is the real world. The physical one has been around for as long as humans can remember.

Then there is the digital world, which is an artificially constructed realm based on top of millions, possibly billions or even trillions, of interconnected computers.

Hardware always forms the sub-structure. The foundation. It is what binds the digital realm to reality.

What’s above that is just data and code. Nothing else.

Any other thing that can be imagined in all ways is either data, code, or a combination of the two.

Data is static. It just exists as it is. You can really only change it by writing some other data on top of it, wiping the original copy out of existence.

Code is active. It is a list of instructions, often crazy long, sometimes broken up in countless pieces spread across all soft of places.

Code ‘runs’. Something marches through it, effectively instruction by instruction, executing it, in more or less a deterministic fashion.

Code is data long before it is code. That is because it is a ‘list’ of instructions; when it is not running it is just a list of things. It is data when inactive.

Data can effectively be code. You can declare a whack load of data that is interpreted as ‘high-level’ code to trigger very broad instruction sets.

Data is not just bits and bytes. It is not just single pieces of information encoded in some fashion. Most data only has value if it is used in conjunction with related data. Those groups have structure, whether it is a collection of individual data points or a list of stuff. There are higher level structure relationships too, like dags, trees, graphs, and hypergraphs. Mostly, but not always, the individual parts and their various structures have some names associated with them. Meta-data really. Information about how all the individual points related back to each other. Data about the structure of the underlying data.

In it’s simplest sense, data corresponds to the way we use nouns in language, code corresponds to verbs. We blur the lines for some sophisticated usage, but most forms of programming tend towards keeping them separate and distinct.

We know we need to secure data. It is the heart and soul of the information we are collecting with our computers. That information could be used by malicious people for bad ends. But we also need to secure code. Not just when it is data but also as it executes. As they are distinct, one means of securing them will never cover both; they are, in effect, two different dimensions. Thus, we need two different and distinct security models, each of which covers its underlying resource. They won’t look similar; they can not be blended into one.

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