Saturday, February 22, 2025


Oddly, mastering programming is not about being able to spew out massive sets of instructions quickly. It’s about managing cognitive load. Let me explain.

Essentially, we have a finite amount of cognitive horsepower, most of which we tend to spend on our professions, but life can be quite demanding too.

So that’s the hard limit to our ability to work.

If you burn through that memorizing a whack load of convoluted tidbits while coding, it will utilize most of your energy. I often refer to this as ‘friction’.

So, what you need to make the best progress on your work as possible is to reduce as much of that friction as you can. You don’t want to spend your time thinking about ‘little’ things. Instead, you want to use it diving deeply into the substantial problems. The big ones that will keep you from moving forward directly.

In that sense, less is more. Far more.

For example, I’ve known for a long time that a million little bits of functionality is not all that helpful. It’s not a coherent solution.

It’s better to generalize it a little, then pack it all together and encapsulate it into larger ‘lego’ bricks. Now you have less things that you can call, but they do a far wider range of tasks. You still need to supply some type of configuration knowledge to them, but that too can be nicely packaged.

This fits with what I said initially about cognitive load. You don’t have to remember a million little functions. You don’t have to keep rewriting them. Once you have solved a problem, big or small, you package it up and lean on that solution later. So now you can forget about it. It’s done, it's easily findable. You get a bunch of those at a low level, you can build higher level ones on top.

Since you rarely need to work at that previous level now, you have far less to think about. It is a solved problem. As you go, you get higher and higher, the friction is less, and the work you are doing is far more sophisticated.

It was known long ago that good projects get easier to work on with time, bad ones do not. Easier because there is less friction and you can do larger things quickly with better accuracy. You’ve got this codebase that solves the little problems, so you can now work on bigger ones. That’s why we have system libraries for languages, for instance.

If you’ve got some good pieces and someone asks for something complicated, it is not that hard to extend it. But it is really hard to go right back to ground zero and do it all over again. You brain has to cope with lots of levels now, it will get overwhelmed. But if you can skip over all of the things already solved, then you can focus on the good stuff. The new stuff. The really hard stuff.

In a similar way, disorganization and inconsistencies eat through massive amounts of cognitive load. It is inordinately harder to work in a messy environment than a neat and tidy one. If all your tools are neatly lined up and ready when you need them, then jumping around is fluid. If you have to struggle through a mess just to find something, it bogs you down. Struggling through the mess is what you're doing, not solving the problems you need to solve.

So you learn that the dev shop and its environment needs to be kept as clean as time allows. And tidying up your working environment is almost always worth the time. Not because you are a neat freak, but because of how the friction will tire you out.

If you manage your cognitive load really well then you don’t have to spend it on friction. You can spend it on valuable things like understanding how the tech below you really works. Or what solutions will really help people with their problems.

The less time you spend on things like bizarre names, strange files, and cryptic configurations the more you have to spend on these deeper things, which helps you see straighter and more accurate paths to better solutions. In that sense the ‘works on my machine’ excuse by someone who exhausted themselves drowning in a mess is really just a symptom of their losing control over the tornado of complexity that surrounds them.

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