Thursday, August 15, 2024

Nailed It

“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” -- Proverb 

When you need a solution, the worst thing you can do is to fall back on just the tricks you’ve learned over the years and try to force them to fit.

That’s how we get Rube Goldberg machines. They are a collection of independent components that appear to accomplish the task, but they do so in very awkward and overly complex ways. They make good art, but poor technology.

Instead, you have to see the problem itself, and how it really affects people. You start in their shoes and see what it is that they need.

You may have to twist it around a few times in your head, in order to figure out the best way to bind a bunch of seemingly unrelated use cases. Often the best solution is neither obvious nor intuitive. Once you’ve stumbled onto it, it is clear to everyone that it fits really well, but just before that, it is a mystery.

Just keep picturing it from the user's perspective.

There is some information they need, they need it in a useful form, and they need to get to it quickly. They shouldn’t have to remember a lot to accomplish their tasks, that is the computer’s job.

The users may phrase it one way or describe it with respect to some other ancient and dysfunctional set of tools they used in the past. You can’t take them literally. You need to figure out what they really need, not just blindly throw things together. It can take a while and go through a bunch of iterations. Sometimes it is like pulling teeth to get enough of the fragments from them to be able to piece it together properly. Patience and lots of questions are the keys.

If you visualize the solution that way, you will soon arrive at a point where you don't actually know how to build it. That is good, it is what you want. That is the solution that you want to decompose and break down into tangible components.

If you’ve never worked through that domain or type of system before, it will be hard. It should be hard. If it isn’t hard, then you are probably just trying to smash pieces in place. Hammering up a storm.

For some visualizations, while they would be nearly perfect, you know you’ll never quite get there, Which is okay. As you work through the mechanics, time and impatience will force you to push a few lesser parts. If you have each one encapsulated, then later you can enhance them. Gradually you get closer to your ultimate solution.

If you can visualize a strong solution to their problems, and you’ve worked through getting in place the mechanics you need to nearly get there, then the actual coding of the thing should be smooth. There will be questions and issues that come up of course, but you’ll already possess enough knowledge to answer most of them for yourself. Still, there should be an ongoing dialog with the users, as the earlier versions of the work will be approximations to what they need. You’ll make too many assumptions. There will be some adjustments made for time and scheduling. They may have to live with a few crude features initially until you get a window to craft something better.

This approach to building stuff is very different than the one often pushed by the software industry. They want the users to dump out everything fully, literally, and then they just want to blindly grind out components to match that. Those types of projects fail often.

They’ve failed for decades and different people have placed the blame on various parts of the process like technology or methodology, but the issue is that the users are experts for a problem, and this is forcing them to also be experts on the solution, which they are not. Instead, the people who build the solution have to understand the problem they are trying to solve as well. Without that, a disconnect will happen, and although the software gets built it is unlikely to fit properly. So, it’s a waste of time and money.

When building software, it is not about code. It is not about solving little puzzles. It is about producing a solution that fits back to the user's problems in a way that makes the user’s lives better. The stack, style, libraries, and methodologies, don’t matter if the output doesn’t really solve the problem. It’s like building a house and forgetting to make it watertight or put a roof on it. Technically it is a house, but not really. The only real purpose of coding is to build things that make the world better. We build solutions, and hopefully not more problems.

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