Thursday, August 8, 2024

Coding Style

Over the decades I’ve worked in many different development teams of varying sizes.

For a few teams, we had super strict coding conventions, which included formatting, structure, naming, and even idioms.

In a bunch, we weren’t strict — there were no “enforced” standards — but the coders were mostly aligned.

In some projects, particularly later in my career, it was just herding cats, with all of the developers going their own way. A free-for-all.

In those first cases, the projects were all about high-quality code and that was what we delivered. It was tight, complex, and industrial. Slow and steady.

For the loosely aligned teams, the projects were usually successful. The quality was pretty good. There were some bugs, but they were quickly fixable. Really ugly code would mostly get refactored to fit in correctly. There was always cleanup.

For the rogue groups, the code was usually a huge mess. The architecture was an unstructured ball of mud. Stuff was scattered everywhere and most people were overly stressed. The bugs were legendary and the fixes were high risk and scary. If a bug crossed multiple author’s work, it was an unsolvable nightmare. Nothing was ever cleaned up, just chucked in and left in that state.

So it’s no surprise that I see quality as tied to disciplined approaches like coding standards. It’s sort of style vs substance, but for programming, it is more like initial speed vs quality. If you understand in advance what you are building and concentrate, slowly and carefully, when you code, your output will be far better. It requires diligence and patience.

That manifests in consistency, readability, and reuse. All three reduce time, reduce bugs, and make it easier to extend the work later. If the development continues for years, it is mandatory.

If you’ve ever worked on tight projects vs sloppy ones, you see the difference. But if all of your projects have just been dumpster fires, it might not be so obvious. You might be used to the blowups in production, the arguments over requirements. A lot of development projects burn energy on avoidable issues.

It is getting increasingly harder to convince any development team that they need coding conventions. The industry frowns on it, and most programmers believe that it impinges on their freedoms. They felt constrained, incorrectly believing that it would just slow them down.

Whenever I’ve seen a greenfield team that refuses or ignores it, I can pretty much predict the outcome. Late and low quality. Sometimes canceled after a disastrous set of releases. You can see it smoldering early on.

Sometimes I’ve been dragged into older projects to rescue them. What they often have in common is one or two really strong, but eclectic, coders pulling most of the weight, and everyone else a little lost, mulling around the outside. So, they are almost standardized, in that the bulk of the code has some consistency, even if the conventions are a bit crazy. You can fix eclectic code if it is consistent, so they are usually recoverable.

One big advantage of a coding style is that it makes code reviews work. It is easier to review with respect to conventions than just comment on what is effectively random code. Violations of the conventions tend to happen in quick, sloppy work, which is usually where the bugs are clustered. If you are fixing a big mess, you’ll find that the bugs always take you back to the worst code. That is how we know they are tied to each other.

However, I find it very hard to set up, implement, and even follow conventions.

That might sound weird in that I certainly recognize the importance of them. But they do act as a slight translation of my thinking about the code and how to express it. It usually takes a while before following the conventions becomes more natural. Initially, it feels like friction.

Also, some of the more modern conventions are far worse than the older ones. Left to decide, I’ll go far back to the stricter conventions of my past.

In software, all sorts of things are commonly changed just for the sake of changing them, not because they are improved. You could write endless essays about why certain conventions really are stronger, but nobody reads them. We really have to drop that “newer is always better” attitude, which is not working for us anymore.

Still, if you need to build something reliable, in the most efficient time possible, the core thing to do is not to let it become a dumpster fire. So, organization, conventions, and reuse are critical. You’ll take a bit longer to get out of the gate, but you’ll whizz by any other development team once you find the grove. It’s always been like that for the teams I’ve worked in and talked to, and I think it is likely universal. We like to say “garbage in, garbage out” for data but maybe for coding we should also add “make a mess, get a mess” for code.

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