Monday, July 6, 2020

Defensive Coding: Cleanup

In one of my first programming jobs, long ago, my boss would make us clean up the office on the last Friday of every month. Even though we were really busy, we’d take the whole day and rearrange stuff, wipe off the dust, go out and buy new furniture if needed, and just focus on making sure our physical office space looked presentable. We weren’t allowed to work on coding or other digital tasks. Even if we were running late for a deadline. 

At the time, I didn’t get it and thought it was eccentric, after all, we were super busy, had lots of technical stuff to do, why would we waste time on the physical environment?

It wasn’t until a bit later when I worked with people who kept procrastinating on any and all cleanup tasks that I began to figure it out. If there is a little bit of clean up work building up over time, and you keep a fairly regular schedule of making sure it is done, it is not a significant problem. But as you leave it for longer, it compounds, until it becomes a rather huge problem. Once it is big, scheduling it is harder, so you procrastinate even more, and eventually find yourself increasingly hampered by it, while gradually losing the ability to fix the issue.

If you watch a master craftsman or painter go about their work, you often see similar habits. They make sure their workspace and tools are perfectly arranged, as the warm-up task for getting the job done. Working in a messy environment interferes with their ability to move fluidly through the task, which ultimately hurts the quality of the work.

In software, it’s not just the physical environment that needs tending to. The setup and maintenance of the tools we use, and the build, test, and release cycle are important as well. If you struggle to run even basic tests on the code, that will eat away at your concentration on the code itself. It’s always worth spending time on these parts of the work to get them smoother, working better. If there is a large team that loses a couple of minutes per day on scratchy, ill-fitting tools, it may seem like it’s a small issue, but when you start piling it up over years, it adds up quickly. And if you account for the intangibles, like that it affects mood and context switching time, then it adds up a lot more rapidly than people realize. 

Even if the physical and development environments are all neat and tidy and kept up to date, there are still plenty of internal code issues that need to clean up as well. The structural organization for a large project consists of a high-level architecture, some mid-level component organization, and a lot of low-level arrangements. If these are missing or disorganized, it becomes harder to know where to put new pieces of code and when that happens, that messiness slows down the rest of the work. The pieces don’t fit, or they are awkward, or that code already exists in multiple other places. Any doubts that come from that eat away at morale and confidence. In that sense, if you know what code to write, but aren’t sure where it belongs then the structure isn’t organized and the codebase is messy, and you are losing valuable time because of it. 

Nobody likes cleaning up. But the longer you avoid it, the worse it becomes. Living in a huge mess is a lot harder than living in a nice and tidy environment. If everything you need to do is Yak Shaving, it is a lot of wear-and-tear on your ability to get things done. Some people are better at ignoring it and just tunnel visioning their focus on tiny parts of the mess at any one time, but as a habit, all that is going to do is ensure that the quality remains low. It’s far better to identify what is blocking you or slowing you down, and to spend a little time each day, week, month, etc. on trying to improve it. 

It’s that you take it as many, many small incremental cleanup tasks, that are fit in as often as necessary, that becomes important. And it is also important to get it into an ongoing, regular habit, instead of trying to make it some sort of special case that you can ignore. 

Not only does it help with the morale and flow of the work, but it also helps with larger issues like estimations. If you dedicate one day a week to cleaning up, and you know that the next task should take 10 days, you also know now that it isn’t going to be done in 2 weeks. It will spill over into the 3rd week, so it is better if you predict that in advance, rather than it turns out to be a surprise later.

Building big systems isn’t a dynamic, exciting profession. It’s a lot of work, most of it is routine, and to be good at it requires patience, discipline and a set of really strong habits to make sure that each time you do work and add to the codebase, it is good enough to not blow up in your face later. If you keep that up, while the world spins wildly around you, you end up building something that is worthwhile and people will use it to make their lives easier. If you get caught up in the whirlwind and lose concentration, then you will wake up one day with a huge pile of unusable code that is causing everyone around you to be pissed off. 

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