Sunday, April 21, 2013


The primary usage of software is collecting data. As it is collected, it gets used to automate activities directly for the users. A secondary effect from this collection is the ability to monitor how these activities are progressing. That is, if you've build a central system for document creation and dissemination, you also get the ability to find out who's creating these documents and more importantly how much time they are spending on this effort.
Monitoring the effectiveness of some ongoing work allows for it to be analyzed and improved, but it is a nasty double-edged sword. The same information can be used incorrectly to pressure the users into performing artificial speedups, forcing them to do unpaid work or to degenerate their quality of effort. In this modern age it isn't unusual for some overly ambitious upper-management to demand outrageous numbers like 150% effort from their staff. In the hands of someone dangerous, monitoring information is a strong tool for abuse.They do this to get significant short-term gains but these come at the expense of inflicting long-term damage. They don’t care, they're usually savvy enough to move on to their next gig long before that debt actually becomes a crisis.
Because of its dual nature, monitoring the flow of work through a big system is both useful but also difficult. It is done well when it gets collected, but is limited in its availability. Software that rats out its users is not appreciated, but feedback to help improve the working effectiveness is. One way of achieving this latter goal is to collect fine-grained information about all of the activities, but only make it available as generalized anonymous statistics. That is, you might know the minimum and maximum times people spend on particular activities, but all management can see is the average and perhaps the standard deviations. No interface exists for them to pull up the info on a specific user, so they can’t pressure or punish them.
Interestly enough, when collecting requirements for systems, fine-grained monitoring often shows up. Not only that, but there is usually some 'nice sounding' justification for having it. Most of software development these days is oriented to giving the ‘stakeholders’ exactly what they want, or even what they ask for, but this is one of those areas where professional software developers shouldn't bow directly to the pressure. It takes some contemplation, but a good developer should always empathize with their users -- all of them -- and not build anything that they wouldn't like applied to themselves. After all, would you really be happy at work if you had to do something demeaning like punch a timecard in and out? If you don't like it why would anyone else?

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